Lithium - Social Customer Service App 


Development Hand-off


Enterprise companies with Social Care Specialists and Domain Experts need to maintain quick response times to meet the expectations of questions posed through social media. Being able to provide on-the-go access to individuals who have the knowledge to respond to questions is what the Lithium Response Mobile App does.


Social Care Specialists have the ability to respond to incoming questions on the desktop while at work, but if questions came in outside of working hours then people are left waiting for answers and therefore not getting the best customer care. Providing a mobile app where responses could be made as soon as a question is received eliminates that waiting period. Not all the Social Care Specialists have the answers to every question, so the app also needed to provide the ability to send the question to the right person internally. This would give everyone in the company the ability to participate and provide the best customer service.

For Who

Social Care Specialists and internal Domain Experts that are responsible for reporting team performances, but occasionally provide help when questions arise that are within their level of expertise.


For this feature I was 1 of 2 designers responsible for the end-to-end experience. I worked closely with the Product Owner to conduct end user interviews and user testing.


The new mobile product needed to be delivered for iOS Beta in 3 months. Designs needed to be quickly tested and delivered. The features of the app were also narrowed down to not be a one-to-one of the desktop product. A new use case for expert users that answer question and needed to use the app on the go also needed to be addressed.

Lessons Learned

With the quick turn around it was very important all members of the team stayed in sync daily on progress and feedback. We also had to stay on top of user feedback from testing to stay focused on our main goal of providing speed and efficiency in our user’s workflow. In the end we found that by building this product we helped companies like HP cut their waiting times by 45%! Normally it would take about 8 hours to send a response to someone who required an expert’s input. The mobile app allowed the right people to log in and solve the issue within 4 hours.

