My Design Process

My favorite part of the process is testing with the people the product was designed for. It’s our chance to see and learn how we’ve either hit or missed the mark.


Each project in this portfolio was completed working with Product Management in an Agile environment to define the problem and personas. Once the problem and users are defined, I ideate through the constraints of the workflows and then quickly sketch ideas.

Ideate, Prototype & User test

I work with Product Managers and review the sketched ideas before continuing the ideation through wireframes. Once the project’s direction is set I move on to Hi-Fidelity designs to prototype and user test with the end users. This stage is also the ideal time to review with stakeholders in the company to gain insights to for additional consideration.

Build & Deploy

After I’ve tested and iterated on designs, involving the engineering teams to review is important to scope the project for delivery. This is the chance to make sure the findings from testing is communicated so we can all deliver what is best to for the people we are creating for. I also like to continue working with engineering to review progress and brainstorm on any issues that come up.

Analyze & Iterate

Projects don't end at code delivery, I prefer to work closely with the Product Manager and be involved with follow up calls with customers. These conversations allow us to see how the experience has been and if there is any additional information we can learn from and take into consideration for future iterations.


Once the cycle is over, I start over again ;)